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Get Summer Gear Ready for Storage

Are you starting to notice your spare bedroom or garage being taken over by summer gear? As we bring out the outdoor accessories and put the winter sweaters away, you may be wondering if there is an easier way. There is, with Fairless Hills Self Storage in Fairless Hills, PA! Avoid the hazardous attic stairs or jamming everything into the crawl space, find a convenient space here.

Our storage units come in all sizes for every piece of furniture and all the beach tools. Make some extra room in your home with our available units. Summer is the time to enjoy the outdoors with the family. Whether you are taking up a new hobby or hosting the family reunion, your summer gear is a quick drive away.

Check with the property manager about extended access hours. When it’s time for vacation we know you want to get on the beach as fast as possible. Don’t get stuck waiting for your belongings, let us know what you need.

summer gear Fairless Hills PA

Camping Gear:

Hopefully last year you went through your tools and discarded all the broken items. If not give them a quick glance to make sure everything is in working condition.

  • Keep the water on the outside of the tent by sealing seams and repairing cuts.
  • Do not entice the insects more with food in your unit. Clean all cooking utensils before packing away.
  • Make a list for snacks, supplies and tools that you will need for your next trip.
  • Food and flammable supplies need to be stored in a safe location other than your unit.
  • Even if it did not rain on your trip, moisture can get in. Allow your equipment time to dry after cleaning.

Outdoor Furniture:

  • Before the kidos start jumping on the jungle gym or building in the sand box clean out leaves and dirt.
  • If you are pulling your cushions out of storage for the first time this season, air them out and look for any small critter activities.
  • Spruce up tables and chairs with a fresh coat of paint or stain. This will protect them from water and give them that extra sparkle you want.

Enjoy the nice summer months with this summer gear advice.

summer gear Fairless Hills PA